OptusNet Email Server Settings

OptusNet Email server Settings for Incoming and Outgoing imap Server. SMTP Settings for Android iPhone and Windows 11.

Optus imap server Settings:

Incoming mail (POP3): mail.optusnet.com.au
POP3 Server Port : (without SSL) 110, (with SSL) 995

Outgoing mail (SMTP): mail.optusnet.com.au
SMTP Server Port: (WIthout SSL) 25, (with SSL) 465


Incoming IMAP Mail Server : mail.optusnet.com.au
IMAP Server Port : (without SSL) 143, (with SSL) 993

Outgoing mail (SMTP): mail.optusnet.com.au
SMTP Server Port: (WIthout SSL) 25, (with SSL) 465

Username : Your email @OPTUSNET.com.au
Password : Your Optusnet email password

For Other iMap Email Servers:

Hotmail: pop3.live.com (SSL On)
Yahoo: pop.mail.yahoo.com.au (SSL On)
Gmail: pop.gmail.com (SSL On)