Taiwan Mobile LTE APN Settings
Taiwan Mobile Prepaid 4G LTE 3G Internet APN Settings for Android iPhone 13 Pro, iPhone 13, iPhone 12 Pro, Pro Max, iPhone SE, iPad HTC Samsung Galaxy
Taiwan Mobile APN Settings for Android
In your Android Smart Phone Go to – Settings -> More ->Mobile Network -> Access point Names -> + ( to add)
Name : Taiwan Mobile
APN : internet
Proxy : Not Set
Port : Not Set
Username : Not Set
Password : Not Set
Server : Not Set
MMSC : Not Set
MMS Proxy : Not Set
MMS Port : Not Set
MCC : (Keep default)
MNC : (Keep default)
Authentication Type : Not Set
APN type : default
APN protocol: Ipv4
Enable/disable APN: APN Enabled
Bearer: Unspecified
MVNO type : None
MVNO Value : Not set
MMS Settings:
Name : Taiwan Mobile MMS
APN : mms
Proxy : Not Set
Port : Not Set
Username : Not Set
Password : Not Set
Server : Not Set
MMSC : http://mms.catch.net.tw
MMS Proxy :
MMS Port : 80
MCC : 466
MNC : 97
Authentication Type : Not Set
APN type : mms
APN protocol: Ipv4
Enable/disable APN: APN Enabled
Bearer: Unspecified
MVNO type : None
MVNO Value : Not set
Taiwan Mobile APN Settings for iPhone
In your Apple iPhone go to Settings -> Cellular -> Cellular Data Network -> APN and enter the following details
Cellular Data:
APN: internet
Username: Blank
Password: Blank
LTE Setup(Optional):
APN: Blank
Username: Blank
Password: Blank
APN : mms
Username: blank
Password: blank
MMSC: http://mms.catch.net.tw
MMS Proxy:
MMS Message Size: 1048576
MMS UA Prof URL: blank
Blackberry APN
Internet APN:
Tap Settings -> Network Connections -> Mobile Network ->APN
Access Point Name (APN) : internet
Username : Blank
Password : Blank
Taiwan Mobile Windows Phone
In your Windows Phone Go to Settings -> Network & Wireless -> Cellular & SIM Settings -> Add Internet APN
Profile Name: Taiwan Mobile Internet
APN: internet
User name: Blank
Password: Blank
Type of Sing-in-info : None
IP Type :Ipv4
Proxy server (URL): Blank
Proxy Port : Blank