Telenor Windows Phone APN Settings
Telenor Pakistan 4G LTE Internet and MMS Settings for Windows Phone 10, 8.1 Microsoft Lumua Nokia
Telenor Windows Phone 10
In your Lumia Windows Mobile Go to Settings -> Network & Wireless -> Cellular & SIM Settings -> Add Internet APN
Profile Name: Telenor 4G
APN: internet
User name: Telenor (case sensitive)
Password: Telenor (case sensitive)
Type of Sing-in-info : None
IP Type :Ipv4
Proxy server (URL): Blank
Proxy Port : Blank
Profile Name: Telenor MMS
APN: mms
User name: Telenor (case sensitive)
Password: Telenor (case sensitive)
Type of Sing-in-info : None
IP Type :Ipv4
Proxy Server :
Proxy Port : 8080
MMSC (URL) : https://mmstelenor
MMSC Port: Blank
Maximum MMS Size (KB): 1024